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Du Triton à Rangiroa !

Writer: M3SM3S

Benjamin Bersans shares with us his return on the Triton in Polynesia. For those who cannot yet travel, he will give us a little chronicle before being able to share these magnificent dives in Polynesia with the Triton community on site. You can follow them on Facebook too, nice photos are shared.

My name is Benjamin, I did my air thinner crossover on Triton with Jean Louis Jacquelle in French Polynesia. He is an independent instructor and offers various training courses on Rangiroa.

My Triton experience began in the lagoon where I familiarized myself with the machine during two dives under the watchful eye of my instructor.

What do I remember from this day?

The simplicity of the machine which brings a feeling of control and security as soon as you get started. In the recreational configuration I use, I don't feel crowded like with other machines. I remain agile and free of my movements.

The next day the Triton and I go together in the pass, I invite my camera.

The machine is operational, the camera is charged, the water is at 29°, I can't wait.

Two dives are planned in the pass, it is twice as many surprises in the program.

First dive we stay close to the reef, Jean Lou makes me do exercises again and I take advantage of the abundant life of Rangiroa. What a pleasure to mingle with the school of fish and observe eagle rays in the blue. I am reassured the rebreather is not annoying when I use the camera. In short, the diving is going wonderfully…

Second dive put in the water on the step of the Tiputa pass. We find ourselves in the middle of a school of barracudas, we do not make bubbles, I am a fish! Little by little we let ourselves be sucked in by the pass. A dolphin comes to visit us for a moment. We take the direction of the canyons. Along the way we come across a great hammerhead shark. We enter the first canyon to protect ourselves from the current. There is a group of gray sharks come to mate. But now it's time to go back up.

What do I remember from this second day and this training?

The Triton is a great machine that allows you to dive in a light configuration with an air thinner. Add to that the framework of Rangiroa to train and you will be satisfied. I found the machine that suits me.

Whose turn now??




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